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3rd meeting (June 2020)
Brazilian Research and Studies Center
Monthly BRaS meeting
Date: 26.06.2020
Attendance: Anna, Claudia, Giovanna, Guilherme, Jayane, Lucas, Matheus H., Matheus Z.,
Prof. Thomas Kestler
Thanks to all of you who attended the meeting. We would like to remember that if some of you cannot participate in the monthly meeting, we expect you to let Anna or Matheus Zago knows in advance. For the next meetings, a doodle will be sent in advance to all members to choose the best day and time for the majority. Once you receive the doodle, we ask you to answer it at your earliest convenience. Now you can find below the minutes from the last meeting.
Following the agenda sent on 22nd June, we met to discuss the BRaS-Blog and its translations, the BRaS-Journal, the admission of new members, and other general issues.
1. BRaS-Blog
Regarding the BRaS-Blog, it was informed that the first round of translations includes 25 texts. Until now, eight translations are complete and five have already been published on the website. There are still 17 translations to be done. As soon as possible, we aim to finish this first round of translations. It was informed that two translations will be published on the website per week (one on Monday and one on Friday of the same week). It was pointed out that the partnership with the Brazilian Associations is an excellent first step, as the texts to be translated come from them. However, since the texts were written in Portuguese at the beginning of 2020, there is a risk that the publication of them in English may be out of date. Because of that, it was agreed that two publications per week are a good strategy. Also, it was informed that the BRaS can request an ISSN for the BRaS-Blog since it is already working. It was decided that the further tasks to be done related to the BRaS-Blog are: a. Since there are still 17 translations to be done and published on the website, we ask the whole group to collaborate with this task. For those who have picked texts tot ranslate and have not finished yet, we ask you to finish as soon as possible and upload the translation(s) in the Google Docs. Please, keep an eye on the excel sheet, as you should have to fill in some information about your translation (name, date and link of the google docs where the reviewer – Giovanna Imbernon or Matheus Hebling – can find the translation). The excel sheet will be up to date soon.
2. After we finish the translations of all the texts we received, we should think about the next publications for the blog and how we will structure them. This will be debated in the next monthly meeting. However, if you have some idea (s) about content for further publications, want to volunteer yourself to write something related to your research for the blog, or know someone who would be interested in contributing, please write this down on this google doc:
Ideas for further publications
All the ideas will be discussed in the next monthly meeting (and may be debated by the BRaS-Blog team beforehand).
3. Regarding the request of an ISSN for the BRaS-Blog, our colleague Jayane will get
in touch with the German National Library to ask about the formal procedures of the application. Afterward, she will contact the BRaS-Blog team if she needs more information about the activities or some help with the request. Feel free to get in touch with her if you have any questions about this matter.
It was informed that we can require the ISSN for the journal provided that its first issue is published (the number will not change if we change our URL later). Therefore, we should work to launch the BRaS-Journal. Before gathering possible contributions/authors for the first issue, we should complete some tasks first, which should take a couple of weeks. It was proposed the work of the BRaS-Journal team should follow the timeline that there is in this file (pages 11 and 12).
. You can find the timeline in Portuguese here on this link:
In this online excel sheet, we will organize the tasks and keep track of who is responsible at the beginning for each of them. Of course, everyone can (is expected to) collaborate with others’ tasks. The further tasks to be done related to the Bras-Journal are:
1. In the online excel sheet, you can find the specific tasks we need to complete at first to progress with the journal. These tasks are related to the writing of the guidelines that should be informed on the website. They are: 1) journal description; 2) aims and scope; 3) submission guidelines/instructions for authors; 4) publishing ethics guidelines, 5) peer review guidelines (what authors can expect during peer review). Two of these tasks have already been taken. The writing of the journal description was already initiated by the Prof. Thomas and Jayane, who is also responsible for writing the journal’s aims and scope. Therefore, we need three people to volunteer to start writing the last three guidelines. Please, open the excel sheet regarding the journal and pick one of the tasks. There you can also find the links of some well-known journals that might help you write the guidelines you picked (please do not copy and paste anything from these sources. Their purpose is to be sources of inspiration). Once you finish the first draft, please copy and paste the link of the google doc and share it with the BRaS-Journal team in the excel sheet. Then, the team will be able to comment and make suggestions to it. All the guidelines will be written by many hands, but we need someone to start the writing of such documents.
2. Other topics the BRaS-Journal team needs to discuss, such as the periodicity of the journal and future open calls will be discussed in a meeting that will be held in the next weeks. That is, besides the monthly meeting, the BRaS-Journal team will have another meeting(s) during this month. We will send you an email about this in the next days. It will also be an opportunity for the team to discuss the progressing of the tasks, problems, and difficulties related to them.
3.New members and membership
The group agreed with the admission of two new members: Thaís Cavalcante Martins (University of São Carlos) and Eric Nogueira Andrade (IESP-UERJ). » In the next monthly meeting, we will discuss more the idea of implementing different types of membership. The proposal was to differentiate between “core members” of the academic committee and “associate” members. Moreover, another proposal was to keep the number of core members up to 20 people, and have an unlimited kind of formal association.
4.General issues
Write summaries about the roles and guidelines of working groups (Anna); Considering that we have several tasks to be addressed in between, working groups may have separated meetings; It is crucial answering emails with opinions and suggestions to enable our activities to move forward. Last but not least, if you have some suggestions about the design of our website, please contact the team by email: All suggestions are more than welcome!
Saved in: google docs