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Blog guidelines (Mai 2020)
About the Blog
The Brazilian Research and Studies Blog (BRaS Blog) provides a space for researchers and students with a focus on Brazil to publish their research and opinions to a broader audience. The BRaS Blog has an interdisciplinary outlook integrating human, social, and applied social sciences. We welcome opinion articles, essays, research excerpts, or summaries with a research focus on Brazil. The BRaS Blog’s purpose is to open room for debate about academic thematics with a more accessible approach. The aim is to present scientific discussions about Brazil favoring the democratization of knowledge access. The BRaS Blog publishes articles, preferably in English, but it also accepts articles in Portuguese. BRaS Academic Committee will evaluate the submissions, which will be freely available on the BRaS website.
Researchers, scholars, policymakers, and postgraduate students.
How to submit?
Submissions can be made via
All fields of the form must be completed
Submission Guidelines
The submissions must be sent in MS Word. The word limit for the post is between 1000 and 1300 words besides the references.
The author (s) must show 5 or 6 keywords and send a short bio with name, current status (Ph.D. Candidate, Professor, etc.), university, and research interests.
The submissions must be original and unpublished work of the author (s). The author (s) may post the post content elsewhere after giving due credit to the BRaS Blog.
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