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7th editorial meeting – June 2nd, 2021

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In-call members:
Claudia Pires, Lucas Fraga, Matheus Hebling, Matheus Zago, Thais Cavalcante, Thomas Kestler
The meeting was held on June 2nd, 2021 at 15:00 German time.

1. Format of the second issue

Open call or invitation-only?
Matheus Z pointed the difficulty in finding contributions. 
Thomas does not think that we should do the same thing and go broader. Use both strategies – asking scholars and also have an open call for submissions through the system without a deadline.
Matheus H said since the most problematic area was his, he agreed with Thomas’ suggestions. We could continue to ask top scholars to contribute for the first numbers of the journal, but also have an open call so others can contribute.
Thomas reminded the importance of having all areas represented in the first issue but that did not mean we would need a continuous appearance of all areas in all numbers. He pointed a third strategy would be to contact authors that publish their work after a congress.
Matheus Z said he and Thais would be able to help editors if necessary to complete the tasks.
Thomas reminded that we should adapt the call to remove the deadlines and change them. 
Matheus Z shared the call to everyone so we can use it for social media and also newsletters. 
Thomas asked if we should remove the two-step process, with abstract > confirmation > submission > evaluation. Matheus Z agreed.

2. Deadline for the second issue

Matheus Z pointed to the deadlines.
Thomas asked submissions to be sent by December. 
Matheus asked if we should collaborate together to fill the gaps of other editors or publish the issue without it. Thomas said we should continue to the publication without an area.
Matheus H said we should have an abstract by a specific date like September and the full article by December.
Thomas reminded that we should have this date on the call. 
Deadlines agreed to submit abstracts will be September 17 and to submit articles will be December 17.

3. General issues

Matheus Z asked for feedback on the platform and other general issues.
Thomas asked the training session to be done in the second half of July.
Lucas asked to participate on the training for the platform so as to avoid mistakes.
]Thomas asked who would be in charge of reading abstracts.
Matheus Z reminded they are the responsibility of the area editors
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