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13th Monthly Meeting (April 2021)

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Monthly Meeting – Minutes 

Date: 30/04/21

Attendees: Anna Bennech, Cláudia Pires de Castro, Eric Nogueira, Lucas Fraga, Luísa Turbino Torres, Luíza Cerioli, Matheus Hebling, Matheus Zago, Thaís Cavalcante and Vinício Martinez.

Chairperson: Anna Bennech

Minutes: Claudia Pires de Castro / Anna Bennech


  1. General Secretariat
  2. Communication and PR Updates
  3. Research Department
    1. BRaS-J Updates
    2. BRaS-Blog Updates
  1. General Issues

Anna Bennech started the meeting by informing all members about the WordPress Developer/Designer Intern Open Call status. To date, no application has been received. Here are a few suggestions about this issue:

  • Rewrite the open call and change the job description, reducing the scope of work.
  • Members must post the vacancy announcement on their social networks.
  • Matheus Hebling will speak to an IT student.
  • After the “Open call” reformulation, we must make a new disclosure on the BRaS social networks.
  • Thais suggested that we get in touch with “Tech Ladies Brasil,” a women’s empowerment network in the technology area.

Anna Bennech explained that BRaS’s request for DFG funding was denied and alternatives that fit our project will be verified. Therefore, all academic committee members were asked to look for funding alternatives.


Communication and PR Updates

Claudia Pires de Castro presented the social media numbers and the statistics. She pointed out that their organic traffic is increasing (Twitter, Facebook, etc.).

The Social Media work report was presented:

  1. Hours worked on operating the department
  2. Creation: 5 hours/week minimum
  3. Social Media Management: 10 weekly hours
  4. Social Media Team Meetings: 1 hour/week
  5. Tips on what members could do to help:
  6. Send interesting talks, webinars, events, internships, jobs, etc., to be shared on social media
  7. Liking the BRas posts tweets, Facebook, Instagram, and Linkedin
  8. On Twitter: Quote tweet + comment
  9. Send suggestions of people to be followed in members’ area
  10. Tag BRaS

Website: the traffic and access statistics were presented by Matheus Zago.

Anna Bennech informed that the Abre panel was approved.

Claudia Pires de Castro informed that Virtual/Remote Event process flows are finished.


Research Department

BRaS-J Updates

Matheus Zago commented that some editors still do not have authors for the first edition of BRas-J, hence:

  • Matheus Hebling and Eric Nogueira will use the same author’s list
  • Editors should follow up and manage the guest author invitation process
  • The editors were asked to invite authors outside Brazil

Matheus Hebling pointed out that our audience is becoming limited to Brazil, which diverges from the goal aimed at by the Blog and BRaS. He also informed that the average session duration on the BRaS website is less than 3 minutes, which is a concern, as reading the texts published on the Blog would take longer than this.

Matheus Hebling proposed that members of the academic committee publish texts that they have published in other platforms also on BRaS Blog (with a link). Vinício and Matheus Zago informed us that Vinício has already done something similar, publishing a Portuguese version of one of his texts published at BRas Blog and linked to our website.

Anna proposed the creation of a Special Edition for the Blog. A subject would be chosen, and several texts by different authors would be published. The creation of the BRaS Blog Special Edition was voted and approved.


General Issues

Matheus Hebling suggested the creation of mini-courses (maximum 1 hour) via Google Meet. Thaís Cavalcante proposed video interviews. Claudia Pires de Castro and Vinícios Martinez considered these ideas exciting and pointed out some complexities: defining a committed and involved working group, creating a list of tasks that need to be performed, etc. Finally, Vinicio offered videos of all the courses he taught and that he will teach for BRaS.

Anna Bennech suggested a Research Group meeting to update and align documentation.

Luísa Turbino informed that newsletter subscriptions have been growing.

Lucas Fraga informed the committee that he would translate the Finance Department Handbook shortly.


Next meeting: 28/05/21.

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