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Meeting August 2023

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Minutes of the Meeting of BRaS (Brazilian Research and Studies Center) – 25/08/23



Thomas Kestler

Marcia Schafer

Karina Caladrin

Matheus Zago

Claudia Pires


Absent with Justifications:

Erik Andrade (justification)

Lucas Fraga (justification)



  1. Welcome and updates

Thomas Kestler opened the meeting and welcomed all participants. Matheus Zago provided an update on the current status of the BRaS website and journal. He mentioned that the issue with the PHP version of the website, which has impacted its functionality. Restabilizing the server is taking more time than expected. The website is running on, but with an older PHP version. Additionally, Tomas mentioned the possibility of seeking funding for the website through the university.


  1. Media and Blog Updates

Claudia Pires discussed the progress of BRaS’s social media presence. Presented Data on Social Media platforms. Emphasized the need for consistent content creation every Monday. Matheus Zago mentioned an upcoming interview scheduled for September 4th, with plans to publish it on the blog after transcription. Claudia stressed the importance of regularly updating the blog on the website with relevant content. Members agreed to contribute sending blog with short articles or posts. Claudia also proposed organizing a workshop with experienced journalists to assist in interview production.


  1. Information and opportunities

Members acknowledged the importance of delivering information on opportunities, calls for papers, and event participation. Marcia Schafer offered to take responsibility for this role. The group agreed that her involvement in this area for better communication within the BRaS community.


  1. New area editor: BRaS-J:

The group approved Karina Caladri as the editor for the Gender Studies section of the journal.



With all agenda items addressed, the meeting concluded at 2:40 PM. The next BRaS meeting was scheduled for September 29th, Friday, at [14:00 German time].

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