About the Blog
The Brazilian Research and Studies Blog (BRaS Blog) provides a space for researchers and students focusing on Brazil to publish their research and opinions to a broader audience. The BRaS Blog has an interdisciplinary outlook integrating human, social, and applied social sciences. We welcome opinion articles, essays, research notes, or summaries with a research focus on Brazil. The BRaS Blog’s purpose is to open room for debate about academic thematics with a more accessible approach. The aim is to present scientific discussions about Brazil favoring the democratization of knowledge access. BRaS-Blog publishes content in English. Authors should submit texts in English, and in some cases, the Blog accepts submissions in Portuguese under the commitment of presenting the corresponding translation. In both cases, our Editorial Board will review and approve all text before publishing. Note that all texts in BRaS-Blog are available free of charge and do not require any subscription.
What do we publish?
We publish research notes, opinion essays, and interviews focused on Brazil. We are glad to accept manuscripts that analyze public policies and social, economic, or cultural analyses of current or historical phenomena in/that include the country.
Researchers, scholars, policymakers, and postgraduate students.
How to submit?
All submissions are made through the link https://www.bras-center.com/wp-content/blog-submission.
Submission Guidelines
Format: MS Word file (.docx).
Length: 1000–1300 words, plus references.
Author(s) must include 3 to 6 keywords.
Citations and References: Chicago Manual of Style 17th edition
Author(s) must send a short bio including name, title and affiliation, and main topics of interest.
BRaS-Blog accepts submissions of original and unpublished content. Authors are encouraged to share their articles and tag us on their website, social media feeds, and elsewhere upon giving due credit to BRaS-Blog.