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5th meeting (August 2020)

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Date: 28.08.2020

Attendance: Anna, Claudia, Eric, Giovanna, Guilherme, Jayane, Lucas, Matheus H., Matheus Z., and Thaís.


Thanks to all of you who attended the meeting! We reiterate that if someone cannot attend the monthly meeting, we expect you to send an email to BRaS in advance. Our monthly meetings happen on the last Friday of each month; therefore, the next one will occur on September 25th at 2 pm (Berlin) and 9 am (Brasília).


  1. BraS Blog

  2. The BRaS Blog’s ISSN number is already available on our website.
  • The plan is to have 1 volume and two issues per year.
  1. Translations
  • 23 translations published/ready to be online. Regarding the two texts left, Matheus H. and Jayane will fulfill the task.
  1. “BRaS Magazine” (BRaS Mag)
  • Matheus H. proposed the title “BRaS Magazine” due to bureaucratic implications regarding Lattes, the academic Brazilian official platform for academic CVs. The group unanimously approved the change.
  1. Research notes.
  • Matheus H. will write an introductory post about the research notes. Moreover, he suggested publishing one note per week. Therefore, Jayane will contact the German National Library about whether this change impacts the ISSN and inform about the new name (BRaS Magazine).
  • The word limit is between 1000 and 1200.
  • The approach should be scientific and try to address the state of the art of one’s specific research field and establish a dialogue with the readers. The communication and writing strategies should be accessible to a broader audience, aiming at bringing academic knowledge and society closer.
    • Matheus H. highlighted the idea to include a brief explanation of Brazilian people’s reasons to study and research abroad.
  • Two research notes have been sent already (Prof. Kestler and Matheus Z.) The group unanimously agreed to extend the deadline until September 15th.


  1. Partnership with Lua nova

    1. Giovanna presented a partnership proposal with Lua Nova. Professor Lucas Baptista from the Centre for Contemporary Culture Studies (Cedec) invited BRaS to contribute to their website/publication.
  • The group decided to accept the partnership and have a column about Brazil in Lua Nova, keeping the parameters of BRaS Mag regarding text length and language approach. Moreover, BRaS will offer a column for CEDEC in BRaS Mag. The BRaS Mag team will discuss further details.


  1. BRaS-Journal

    1. Considering there were only a few minutes left to debate about BRaS-J matters, the group extended the meeting in half an hour. The group reached the following decisions democratically:
  • Periodicity: 3 issues per year
  • Language: proposals will be accepted in English as well as in Portuguese. In the last case, the author takes full responsibility for delivering a high-quality final version in English if the paper is accepted. The final version/publication will be only in English.
  • Format: entirely online.
    1. To discuss other important matters, the members interested in contributing to BRaS-J will meet on September 4th at 2 pm (Berlin) and 9 am (Brasília).
  • Each member must indicate two positions of interest here:


  1. General issues

    1. Jayane and Thaís informed about the email sent to Prof. Lucas Massimo with a formal declaration attesting the work meeting he conducted. Furthermore, the group agreed on participating in the lives organized by the research group lead by Prof. Lucas Massimo. Anna will write a first email draft and share it with the group.
    2. Social media and website statistics should be presented every monthly meeting.
    3. Thaís will contact ALACIP about reposting BRaS Mag content.


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