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19th Monthly Meeting (October 2021)
Monthly Meeting – Minutes
Date: 10/28/2021
Attendees: Anna Bennech, Matheus Zago, Jayane Maia, Matheus Hebling, Lucas Fraga, Eric Nogueira, and Thomas Kestler.
Chairperson: Anna Bennech
Minutes: Anna Bennech
- General-Secretariat
- Communication and PR Updates
- Research Department
BRaS-Blog updates
Research Groups
BRaS-J Updates - General Issues
Anna Bennech started the meeting by introducing initial ideas for BRaS’s statutes and electoral bylaws, presenting examples, such as BRASA, ABRE, and the International Sociological Association. From this first analysis, she pointed out that the 2020 Annual Report already features much of the information needed for these documents, e.g., BRaS’ objectives, organization charts, and job descriptions.
As for the next step, Anna Bennech [also representing Giovanna Imbernon] suggested creating a commission to discuss these topics in detail and draft these documents, which would be later debated and approved at the monthly meeting. Furthermore, she proposed each area (Research, Communication & PR, and Finance) nominate a member to join this group.
The creation of the commission was voted and approved. Finally, the heads of the departments should discuss who would join the commission with their teams and inform the General-Secretariat by November 5th.
Communication and PR Updates
Considering Claudia and Luísa Turbino could not attend the meeting, Anna informed that Communication & PR would send a written report given the absence.
Research Department
Matheus Hebling commented on BRaS-Blog’s current status of publications, highlighting that they received more submissions in the past month. Moreover, he informed the members that he has contacted over 10 Graduate Schools about the blog, but only two have answered so far.
Research Groups
There was no update regarding the research groups.
BRaS-J Updates
Matheus Zago gave the members some updates on BRaS-J, emphasizing the importance of associated editors keeping up with the authors, as the journal’s launch will be in April 2022.
Also, he has informed the member that there will be a workshop to present BRaS-J’s platform to the associated editors and other members who might be interested.
Next meeting: 11/26/2021.