How Can We Help?
1st meeting (April 2020)
1 – Institutional presentation (project and journal)
– Current status: summarizing the project, refining information about the journal, and elaborating visual identity
– May 6th: Kestler, Matheus, and Anna will attend a meeting to organize BRaS presentation for Prof. Dr. Lauth
2 – Presentation of the members
3 – Call for the first BRaS-J dossier
4 – Website standards: names and profiles
– Profile standardization (same information and layout, somewhat like GIGA)
– Black and white pictures
– Pronouns (they/them, she/her, he/his)
5 – Funding opportunities for projects (DFG and other institutions)
– DFG Scientific network
Scientific networks offer researchers at all career stages the opportunity to engage in multi-year scientific exchange and cooperation on a topic area of their choice across locations, with the aim of achieving a specific outcome. A scientific network consists of a set group of 10 to 20 people, which may also include researchers working abroad.
Link:Research funding model and guidelines for DFG projects
Jayane and Matheus H. showed interest in participating in the project elaboration.
FAPESP (SP/BR) – Matheus H. will talk to professors that might support the BRaS project.
6 – Referral to regular monthly meetings
– Always in the last week of the month
7 – Other issues and contributions
– After the meeting of May 6th, Matheus and Anna will send a summary of the situation and the next steps.
Saved in: google docs