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5th Editorial Meeting – January 22, 2021
The committee responsible for Bras-J met online on Friday, January 22, 2021, to discuss the next steps to the first BRaS-J publication. Matheus Zago conducted the meeting and Anna Bennech was in charge of the minutes. Professor Thomas Kestler, Thais Cavalcanti, Lucas Fraga, Eric Nogueira, and Matheus Hebling also attended the meeting. Cláudia Pires and Giovanna Imbernon did not attend the meeting but e-mailed their votes and comments before the meeting.
The committee proposed the discussion of the following agenda:
- Editorial Council
- Format of the first issue
- Copyright
Editorial Council
Matheus Zago provided the group an overview of what has been done regarding the journal and on the voting previously sent to all members. On this last topic, a total of 35 names were chosen and will be included in the first Editorial Council’s member list. After the voting, the next steps will be a. write a letter of invitation to (signed by both Professor Thomas Kestler and Professor Hans-Joachim Lauth); and b. once the invitees have replied, proceed to the reevaluation and new invitations based on the ideas of interdisciplinarity and diversity (region, gender, etc.).
On the format of the first BRaS-J issue, the committee decided: a. Theme: it will be decided after having the Editorial Council defined to wait for suggestions of the members and following the work they have been doing; b. Articles: they will be divided by editorial areas and maintain the balance between them; and c. First and Second Issues: On both, authors and Editorial Council members will be formed by the same people.
Considering the previous discussions on the copyright matter, the committee voted and decided to implement the Creative Commons License –By Attribution (CC BY).