How Can We Help?
13th May 2022
May 13, 10am (BR)
Present members: Matheus Hebling, Jayane Maia, Luíza Cerioli, Paulo Martinez
1. Members on the site (name, affiliation, research interest, training, production)
Matheus shows that it is necessary to create visibility to increase SEO and recognition of members on the site.
Luiza shows that there is a need for officialization and accountability. Profiles already exist but have been withdrawn.
Jayane remembers that there is a page but it was taken down. Is there a need for technical help for Matheus Zago?
Paulo suggests creating a theme keyword cloud. Agile way to create visibility. Placing groups can be desisting on first contact. If it’s more general, word clouds can help. Create a list of activities and readings.
Luiza argues that putting so much information can be too big, especially considering the non-membership. Access may be different for members. Accessing the site can be tricky.
Jayane recalls that this tool referred to by Luiza is Moodle. It suggests standardization.
Luiza suggests not asking for photos as it is not too much information. What to ask for in bio, ask with minimum words.
Jayane suggests that RG production be included.
2. Current and future production
Matheus suggests the production of 1 to 2 texts per semester for the BRaS-Blog and emphasizes that there is no financial link for the production to be greater and outside the blog, which is the way we publicize it.
Luiza agrees and points out that there are no tools to enforce requests for members.
Jayane agrees and thinks it’s the bare minimum.
Paulo agrees and thinks that it is possible to create an open call.
Jayane suggests that we create interdisciplinarity mechanisms and a schedule to share themes. Need to create a schedule of what is expected.
Paul agrees with Jayane and that the Head of Research has the autonomy to ask.
Luiza agrees with Paulo and Jayane.
Matheus asked RG Heads to publish two texts by the end of the year: one introducing the RG and the other of the production. And the need for a reminder for people to produce.
Luiza suggested creating more accountability – member numbers, production, activities, etc. every semester by creating a form.
1. RG members will be available on the website.
2. Every RG will produce at least two texts for the blog by the end of the year. The first will introduce the area/research group and activities and the second onwards will refer to the production of members.
3. RG Heads will inform production, membership, and current activities via a Forms sent by the end of the week. The deadline is June 15.