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Meeting November and Dezember 2023

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Minutes of the Meeting of BRaS (Brazilian Research and Studies Center) – 01/12/2023 14:00 German Time


Thomas Kestler
Eric Andrade
Karina Caladrin
Marcia Schäfer
Matheus Zago

Lucas Fraga
Matheus Hebling
Cláudia Pires


1. Welcome and Updates:

Thomas Kestler opened the meeting by extending welcome to all participants.

2. Meeting with ABCP – Vanessa Elias de Oliveira:

Thomas Kestler provided an update on his recent meeting with Vanessa Elias de Oliveira, the president of ABCP (Brazilian Association of Political Science). Both organizations have agreed to exchange texts and publications, fostering collaboration. Discussions also included plans for a joint workshop in April 2024, focusing on methods in political sciences for PhD students, to be conducted in English.

3. Reports and Communication Sector Updates:

Matheus Zago presented reports from the Blog and the Website. Additional information from the Social Media included:

Call for papers BRaS-J – December/23
Newsletters from BRASA, ABRE, LA Kolloquium, and Plataforma 9
WhatsApp updates from Estudos Brasileiros USP and ANASOBR
Participants were invited to share any other ideas or recommendations.

4. BRaS Annual Report – First Quarter 2024:

Discussion was made regarding the planning and preparation for the BRaS Annual Report for the first quarter of 2024.

5. Additional Section on the Website – December and January:

The team discussed website issues for December and January. Hebling suggested adding a new section featuring the editor’s selected best texts and random articles to boost audience engagement during this period.

6. Domain Renewal and Google Analytics Update:

Matheus Zago reported that BRaS domain was renewed for another year. However, he mentioned an issue with Google Analytics, which ceased functioning after the renewal.

7. Journal Submission Strategies:

Members discused methods for increasing article submissions for the journal, the following strategies were considered:

a. Implementation of new Calls for Papers (CfP).
b. Dissemination through WhatsApp groups.
c. Promotion of the journal during BraS workshops and events.
d. Extending invitations to professors for contributions.
e. Soliciting recommendations for potential reviewers directly from authors.

8. Opportunities

Márcia Schafer presented information on opportunities published on BRaS website and social media platforms.

Having covered all agenda items, the meeting concluded at 14:50, and the next BRaS session was set for January 5th, 2024 at 14:00 Germany time. The primary agenda for the upcoming meeting is issues regarding the workshop’s organization in partnership with ABCP.

Claudia Pires and Helena Vetorazo, have published an article titled “Etnografia e criação de categorias em ambientes digitais: trazendo contextos e significados” (Ethnography and Category Creation in Digital Environments: Bringing Contexts and Meanings). The article is product of BRaS research group lead by them.

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