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Meeting October 2023
Minutes of the Meeting of BRaS (Brazilian Research and Studies Center) – 27/10/23 14:00 German Time
Thomas Kestler
Marcia Schafer
Karina Caladrin
Matheus Zago
Eric Andrade
Matheus Hebbling
Absent with Justifications:
Lucas Fraga (justification)
Claudia Pires (justification)
Welcome and updates
Thomas Kestler opened the meeting by welcoming all participants.
Matheus Hebling provided an update on the website’s layout. He discussed recent changes on the blog home page. Members agreed and provided feedback and suggestions.
Google Analytics
Matheus Zago presented a report on website analytics, including user traffic, page views, and user engagement. The data indicated a positive trend in terms of user engagement and website visibility connected with the opportunities posted.
Embassy Event – Brazilian Diáspora
Marcia Schafer brought up an upcoming event hosted by the Brazilian Embassy in Berlim for the Brazilian diaspora. She suggested that BRaS consider participating in this event to increase its visibility and connect with the Brazilian community in the diáspora. Members discussed the potential benefits of such participation and agreed to explore this opportunity further.
Possibility of New Publications through Partnership with ABCP
Matheus Hebling discussed the potential for new publications through another partnership with ABCP (Brazilian Association of Political Science). He explained the benefits of such a collaboration and how it could contribute to BRaS’s texts and publications. Members expressed interest in pursuing this opportunity and tasked Thomas Kestler with further exploring the details of the partnership with ABCP president Vanessa Elias de Oliveira, UFABC – Universidade Federal do ABC .
Some news
A new blog post will be published featuring an interview that was conducted by Matheus Zago. Eric Andrade is currently working on the editing of this post, and it will be available on the website soon.
Matheus Hebling is working on a special edition, and other blog texts are in the pipeline for publication on the website in the upcoming weeks
Thomas mentioned his assessment at the University of Berlin and discussed the potential for bringing more activities and benefits to BRaS through
More updates
Congratulations Karina for the launch of your first book and thank you for sharing the ebook.
Here some informations about possible partners for BraS Center:
Rede Apoena: (is a network of Brazilian and German researchers in Germany, with the aim to increase Brazilian and German collaboration).
Last March the Brazilian Embassy in Berlin promoted the 3º Meeting of Brazilian Diaspora of Science and Innovation in Germany. Probably next year there will be the 4º Meeting, and my suggestion is that BraS Center participates in the next meeting.
With the agenda items addressed and discussions concluded, the meeting adjourned at 2:40 PM. The next BRaS meeting was scheduled for [1st of December at 14:00 German time].