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Training environment

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Dear colleagues,

To allow our development and learning with the OJS platform, a virtual training environment was created so that we can test the functionalities of our article editing and publishing tool. Several functions were created within this virtual environment.  It is possible to have access as executive editor, session editor, reviewer, author, spell checker among others. 

The purpose is to understand all the functionalities of the tool and its configuration screens.  Please feel free to create newspapers, users, sessions, volumes, any and all content available in the training environment.  The content will be restricted only in this page that will not be disclosed in any channel or social network. Please keep in mind that the tool is of restricted use for the members of Bras with the use only for educational and training purposes. 


The link to access the virtual training environment is:

Below are the first users created in the platform with their functions and password:


Role username:  password:
Autor autor Bras2020
Manager Editor manager Bras2020
Proofreader proofreader Bras2020
Reviewer reviwer Bras2020
Section Editor sectoreditor Bras2020
Editor editor Bras2020

For questions on the journal’s administration process and training please check in our knowledge base at the address:


Best regards,

BraS editorial team


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