The Urban Studies Foundation has an open call for the International Fellowships Program for urban scholars from the Global South.
Each award will cover the cost of a visiting sabbatical period at a host university of the candidate’s choice to write up the candidate’s existing research findings in the form of publishable articles and/or a book. The proposed work should be completed under the guidance of a chosen mentor in the candidate’s field of study. Funding is available for a period ranging between 3-9 months, and eligible research may cover any theme pertinent to a better understanding of urban realities in the Global South.
Applicants must be early-to-mid-career urban scholars holding a PhD awarded within the preceding 10 years (by the submission deadline) working in a university or other research institution within the Global South. Candidates must also be nationals of a country in the Global South, defined as any country on the present OECD list of ODA recipients (2024-2025).
Applications until 5th July 2024.
More information at: