Original source: Loughborough University
The research carried out by this group is led by the Centre for Information Management. The Centre undertakes world-leading research on the effective management of information and knowledge assets, investigating big data, mobile technologies, email, social networks and social media, open and linked data, knowledge management in the voluntary sector and much more.
Loughborough University is a top-ten rated university in England for research intensity (REF2014). In choosing Loughborough for your research, you’ll work alongside academics who are leaders in their field. You will benefit from comprehensive support and guidance from our Doctoral College, including tailored careers advice, to help you succeed in your research and future career.
Within the Information Management academic group we are especially keen to receive PhD research proposals in the following areas:
Artificial Intelligence – applications (e.g. different industry sectors, social use cases) through to novel perspectives on ethics, including the cross-cultural
New Humanism – critique and design in digital culture, counter-balancing forces (e.g. wellbeing), decentralization and disintermediation, open data
Analytics and Decision – sentiment analysis, decision support, smart contracts and Decentralized Autonomous Organisation
Find out more: http://www.lboro.ac.uk/departments/sbe/study/phd/