write with us

Write with us!

The Brazilian Research and Studies Blog (BRaS Blog) calls scholars, researchers and students focusing on Brazil to publish their opinion articles, essays, research notes, or summaries. We are an inter and transdisciplinary research platform for Brazilian Studies based at the University of Würzburg, Germany. We bring together and promote scientific exchange between scholars from Brazil and abroad engaged with political, social, economic, and cultural developments in Brazil.

The BRaS Blog has an interdisciplinary outlook integrating Human, Social, and applied Social Sciences. However, we are open to research notes in all areas, as long as they include a critical view of the area itself and/or of a public policy. We offer researchers a space to communicate their research and bring together scientifically informed knowledge about Brazil’s recent developments. BRaS advocates for the democratization of knowledge access, distribution, and exchange, particularly between Brazil and Europe, academic and non-academic public.

Our publications are weekly, open access, and with ISSN (2701-4924). We accept articles, research notes, opinion texts, and reviews from the most diverse Social Science themes and topics related to Brazil. People interested should submit via this form, and our Editorial Board will provide a revision before publication. The contribution must be around 1000 to 1300 words besides the references, and in English (in some cases, the Blog accepts submissions in Portuguese under the commitment of presenting the corresponding translation). Author(s) must send 3 to 6 keywords and a short bio (50 words) including name, title and affiliation, and main topics of interest. 

You can also join our BRaS network to become a part of our database, receive our newsletter and updates about our research. Follow us also on our social media for more information [Instagram, Twitter, Facebook].


Escreva conosco!

O Brazilian Research and Studies Blog (BRaS Blog) convida pesquisadores e estudantes sobre o Brasil para publicar seus artigos de opinião, ensaios, notas de pesquisa, resumos e resenhas. Nós somos uma plataforma de pesquisa inter e transdisciplinar para Estudos Brasileiros baseada na Universidade de Würburg, Alemanha. Nosso objetivo é interconectar e promover intercâmbio científico entre acadêmicos brasileiros e estrangeiros engajados no estudo de  desenvolvimentos políticos, econômicos, sociais e culturais do Brasil.

O BRaS Blog tem uma perspectiva interdisciplinar que integra todas as vertentes das ciências humanas, sociais e sociais aplicadas. Nós oferecemos aos pesquisadores um espaço para comunicar sua pesquisa e integrar conhecimento científico sobre recentes acontecimentos no Brasil. O BRaS advoga por democratização de acesso, distribuição e intercâmbio de conhecimento, principalmente entre brasileiros e europeus, sendo o público acadêmico ou não acadêmico.

Todas as nossas publicações são bissemanais, com acesso gratuito e desbloqueado e com registro de ISSN (2701-4924). Aceitamos artigos, notas de pesquisa, textos de opinião e resenhas sobre os mais diversos temas das ciências humanas e sociais relacionados ao Brasil. As submissões devem ser feitas por meio deste formulário e nosso conselho editorial disponibilizará uma revisão antes da publicação. Os textos devem ter em torno de 1000 a 1300 palavras, sem contar as referências, e em inglês (em casos extraordinários, textos em português podem ser aceitos). Ainda é necessário informar de 3 a 6 palavras-chave e uma pequena biografia (50 palavras) com nome completo, vínculo profissional atual, e interesses de pesquisa.

Você pode também fazer parte da nossa BRaS network para receber atualizações sobre nossa pesquisa e uma newsletter mensal. Siga nossas redes sociais para mais informações [Instagram, Twitter, Facebook]. 

Blog submission

The Brazilian Research and Studies Blog (BRaS Blog) publishers opinion articles, essays, research notes, or summaries from a multitude of topics integrating Human, Social, and applied Social Sciences focused on Brazil. We welcome content about political, social, economic, and cultural developments in Brazil.

This space should have information from the main author (this information will appear on the certificate).
Please inform the university/research center. For exemple: Universidade de São Paulo (USP)
Please enter your email, so we can follow up with you.
If applicable, please include in this space the names of collaborating authors (this information will appear on the certificate).
Please insert the title of your article in English
Please enter keywords separated by commas. Up to 5 and at least 3 entries. Example: Local politics, Representation, Legislative
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
The manuscript must be in word format and have a maximum of 3mb . Please name the file with the title of your manuscript.
Use this space to give some information to the editorial board. For example, describe the sources of funding that have supported the work. If you did not receive any funding for this work, please state “The author(s) received no specific funding for this work.”