The Brazilian Research Studies Center, in an effort to publicize the work done by researchers and research institutes, published in its blog some translations related to the coronavirus crisis. The texts were originally organized by the National Association of Postgraduate Studies in Social Sciences (ANPOCS), the Brazilian Society of Sociology (SBS), the Brazilian Association of Anthropology (ABA),  the Brazilian Association of Political Science (ABCP) and the Association of Social Scientists of the Mercosur Religion (ACSRM).

To give international visibility to this initiative, we agreed to translate selected texts and publish them on our Blog. The official websites of these associations contain original work on the Covid-19 pandemic written originally in Portuguese. We seek to provide visibility to Brazilian academic production and also to ensure the relevance of social sciences through the current crisis.

The initiative is also supported by the Brazilian Society for the Advancement of Science (SBPC/SC), the National Association for Graduate Studies in Geography (ANPEGE), National Association for Graduate Studies in History (ANPUH)National Association for Graduate Studies and Research in Literature and Linguistics (Anpoll) and the National Association for Graduate Studies and Research in Urban and Regional Planning (Anpur).

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