Dr. Eric Nogueira Andrade
Deputy Head of Research Department
Junior Ph.D. researcher
- Institution: State University of Rio de Janeiro IESP-UERJ, Brazil
- Eric is a political scientist in the field of comparative studies and electoral reform. He holds a Ph.D. in Political Science from State University of Rio de Janeiro IESP-UERJ. In his thesis, he analyzed electoral reform processes in Brazil. Currently, he is engaged in understanding the adoption and transformation of electoral systems in Latin America.
- Research Topics: Elections; Political parties; Subnational democracy; Local politics; Political institutions.
- “Why did I join BRaS?” Brazil is facing a unique and multidimensional crisis that requires a lot of academic attention. The research network BRaS can provide a considerable contribution to this academic challenge and to understanding Brazil in the global context through the exchange of ideas with researchers from different areas, institutions, and countries.
- ernogueirbis@gmail.com
- Rio de Janeiro, Brazil