Being the Editor of the BRaS-Blog Interview Section brings me so much joy, especially because I have the honor to work with so many committed and inspiring people. Today, exciting news: our first video! Transdisciplinarity is one of the core values of BRaS and today’s interview is an example of how this is one of the keys to better understand complex phenomena, such as education and its political implications. I sincerely thank Dr. David Meek for the insightful talk, as well as Luísa Torres for conducting the interview. Bellow David’s bio, you will find the link to the interview on our YouTube channel. Check it out!

Anna Paula Bennech


Edited and reviewed by Anna Paula Bennech and Matheus Hebling


Interviewee: Dr. David Meek
Interviewer: M.A. Luísa Turbino Torres

David’s Bio

Dr. David Meek (Assistant Professor of Global Studies, University of Oregon) is an environmental anthropologist, critical geographer, and food systems education scholar with area specializations in Brazil and India. Professor Meek theoretically grounds his research in a synthesis of political ecology, critical pedagogy, and agrarian studies. His interests include sustainable agriculture, social movements, and environmental education.